Pimp.lv » Женщины ищут мужчину для секса » Tony

Добавлено: мар. 2019 | Просмотров: 669 | ID объявления: #3528985
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Hello again!

I have gotten an email saying that my original message was not delivered so here goes again. Please confirm receipt.

As mentioned in my original message, I would like to contribute an article to your blog on how cryptocurrencies are reshaping the adult and more particularly the escort industry. I had a friend who ran an escort agency in the UK and he always had problems with the authorities, banks and even payment processors. I genuinely feel that cryptocurrencies have the potential to liberalise the escort industry and replace the anachronistic banking model which no longer works in today's modern society.

You can find the article on my G-Drive:

https:/ / drive. google. com/ drive/ folders/ 13pbNYoRoWLMHnrU1ySnxF6Zq7JMXsSI3?usp=sharing

Whilst writing this article, I contacted a couple of websites to get some references and one website has even provided me with some images and have given their permission for you to use them. I have included a short bio about myself. I hope your audience enjoys reading my article.

I can potentially write a couple more articles as and when I get some free time. It is crazy busy at work after all the festivities!

Have a fab day!

ID объявления #3528985
Имя Tony
Город lv Tony
Номер телефона 020 7998**** Узнать номер
Электронная почта ton***@gmail.com Узнать е-майл
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Добавлено мар. 2019
Просмотров 669